martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Fallas valencianas 2012

Algo que habíamos escuchado mucho mientras estábamos en España, era que necesitábamos ir a ver las fallas en Valencia. Pero todos nos preguntábamos fallas, que es eso? La típica respuesta que recibíamos era, son monumentos enormes hechos de madera que luego queman. Que tanta importancia tenia estas obras hechas de madera que teníamos que ir? Las ganas nos bastaban para viajar, en eso decidimos subirnos a un autobús rumbo a Valencia. Al llegar a Valencia no sabíamos que nos esperaba, pronto nos enteramos que Valencia era donde estaba la fiesta. Caminando por las calles nos sentíamos perdidos, confusos, y además listos para ver el gran fuego. Éramos un grupo de 20+ personas, era un gran lio moverse por las calles y decidir a donde íbamos. Llegamos al mar, la playa valenciana no nos decepciono para nada.

Las mujeres y niñas de Valencia tenia un atuendo muy peculiar, llevaban unos vestidos preciosos, elegantes, y muy tradicional. Los hombres y niños no se quedaban atrás, pero eran más impresionantes los vestidos. Caminando llegamos a la plaza en donde se estaba haciendo la ofrenda para la Virgen de los Desamparados, y ahí pudimos notar la gran devoción y respeto que la gente tenia sobre las fallas. Para nosotros solamente era una gran fiesta, pero al contrario para ellos era la culminación de trabajo duro durante un año entero para poder finalmente celebrarlo con homenaje a su virgen. Historia de fallas

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012


As I got on the plane for London, my excitement was the on the same level as I boarded the plane for Madrid back in January. London was I place I read about when I was little, a place I saw on television and movies. Spice Girls and Harry Potter, my obsessions in my early years, so going to London was almost a dream come true. I remember watching the Spice Girls movie and asking why there wasn't any red buses in the U.S, as well wishing to be part of the Spice Force 5. Arriving in London was the beginning to our four adventure, I must include all of my comrades that were present and survived these four days.
First we have: from left to right -->
Bianca ("I'll meet you on the London Bridge at eight.")
Amber ("I really want to see the change of the guards!")
Erica ("Dang lil mama, you sure can put it away!")
Adrienne ("I love these long talks" <3)
Jordyn ("Do I just take the fish with my hand?")
Pato("I didn't want to be on the list!")
and your lovely host me 

  We failed at getting a group picture, but here we all are. The weather in London was all I expected only four hours of sun, fog, rain and more rain. I was prepared with my umbrella to walk around the city like never before (it was actually like never before because it was my first time). There are so many tourist attractions in London its ridiculous, but we managed to see everything we wanted. My top three were 
1)Abby road
2)Platform 9&3/4
3)Buckingham Palace ( I had brunch with the Queen) 

After walking many hours three days straight, spending so much money (pounds KILL your dollars). I bought an awesome camera at the Portebello Market, which was amazing, 4 hours was not enough to walk around it. The food was pretty delicious in London, but somehow we always end up eating kebabs no matter what city or country we are in. But nonetheless we did not miss the opportunity to have some fish and chips, they seemed to taste better because we were in London. This was definitely my favorite city hands down, the people are friendly, its such a cool environment. I will come back no matter what. At last I must mention the awesome girl I met in London thanks to Pato, Michelle, I could not leave her out because she took us to a place where the beer and hard cider was really good. It might of been expensive but what the hell, it was my first and not last time in London. 

martes, 6 de marzo de 2012

Where nice people are never hard to find

Portugal was a beautiful and mysterious place. I damn Madrid for making me think people have to be unhelpful and mean, but thank you to Portugal it gave me hope in humanity once again. Early flights are always worth it because then you have the rest of the day to know how to get around, which is always a must to places you go. The hostel was a bit difficult to find because it was this little hidden treasure, that had a sign the size of a notebook paper and the door blended in with the rest of the building. Once we arrive and check in etc…we are greeted by one of the nicest ladies ever. She took us under her wing and even made us dinner that night. Even though at first we were creeped out, we eventually accepted the fact that there are nice people outside of Madrid, that don't mine going out of their way in helping you. Okay now the city of Lisbon is beautiful, all of its building look old and what makes it even better is their authenticity. They aren't being continuously restored, they are left to survive on their own. There was a lot of politic grafitti through out the city which interested me, even though some of the words I did not understand. The night life in Lisbon sure is wild, you just see streets filled up people. It gets kinda scary because you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. other then that I had loads of fun dancing!Portugal had the tendency to claim the had the BEST things in the world. It started with the pastries at Pasteis de Belem, they were theses funky looking things that were delicious. Next the aquarium, now this was the best because its the only one I have been to so I had nothing to compare it to. But the one thing that I do agree on with being the best in the world, were the pancakes that were FREE and handmade by the lovely ladies at our hostel. That will be the best memory I have of Portugal.